Module interconnection of both sides-contacted silicon solar cells by screen-printing

Autor: Thorsten Dullweber, Ralf Gogolin, Verena Steckenreiter, Rolf Brendel, Jan Hendrik Petermann, Sarah Kajari-Schröder, Henning Schulte-Huxel, S. Eidelloth
Rok vydání: 2013
Zdroj: 2013 IEEE 39th Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (PVSC).
Popis: We demonstrate the module interconnection by means of screen printing. The metallization paste is printed over the edge of five heterojunction solar cells. This connects the frontside of a cell to an underlying Al-patterned rear-side contact of the neighboring cell. All cell interconnections are realized in a single printing step. Encapsulated modules reach open circuit voltages up to 683 mV per cell and designated area conversion efficiencies up to 17.0 %. The designated module area is 82 cm2. We eliminate shunts that originate from laser scribing to reach this efficiency. Quantitative dark lock in thermography images and I-V curve modeling of the shunting losses lead the way.
Databáze: OpenAIRE