Gastric myoelectrical activity in premature and term infants

Autor: R. M. Stern, Kenneth L. Koch, T. N. Tran, N. Sperry, Sandra I. Bingaman
Rok vydání: 2008
Zdroj: Neurogastroenterology & Motility. 5:41-47
ISSN: 1350-1925
Popis: Electrogastrography is a non-invasive method for recording gastric myoelectrical activity. The aims of this study were to record gastric myoelectrical activity in newborn infants using electrogastrographic methods and to compare frequency distributions of postprandial electrogastrograms (EGGs) recorded after gavage feedings. Nineteen infants with gestational ages ranging from 28 weeks to term were studied. Group I subjects were studied only after formula feedings (n = 15) and were divided by age into subgroups A, B and C: A (term, n = 4), B (33–36 weeks, n = 4), and C (28–32 weeks, n = 7). Group II infants (32–34 weeks, n = 4) were studied before and after gavage feeding. The percentage of total EGG power was calculated for four frequency ranges: 1–2.4 cpm (bradygastria); 2.5–3.6 cpm (normal range); 3.7–9.9 cpm (tachygastria); and 10–15 cpm (duodenal/respiratory). Results showed no significant differences in postprandial EGG power in these frequency ranges among the Group I infants of different gestational ages. The power in these EGG frequency ranges did not change significantly after gavage feedings in the Group II infants. In conclusion: (a) EGGs may be recorded successfully from preterm and term infants, (b) postprandial gastric myoelectrical activity in all frequency bands is similar among groups of premature and term infants, and (c) gavage feedings in premature infants did not increase 3 cpm EGG activity.
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