From Health Care to the Promotion of Health: Establishing the Conditions for Healthy Communities in Canada

Autor: Irving Rootman, Ann Pederson
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: Healthy Cities ISBN: 9781493966929
Popis: In Canada we claim the Healthy Cities movement as part of our health promotion legacy, although two of its early instigators were an American (Leonard Duhl) and a transplanted Englishman (Trevor Hancock). A number of conditions in the 1970s and 1980s in Canada laid the groundwork for the articulation of the Healthy Cities concept, starting with federal government activities that generated A New Perspective on the Health of Canadians (the Lalonde Report) and its successor, Achieving Health for All (the Epp Report), two key documents that shaped the context of work on Healthy Cities. We rely heavily on historical analyses as well as our own engagement with the field of health promotion to describe a context of innovation and leadership that contributed to hosting the Beyond Health Care conference in Toronto and a 1-day workshop on the healthy city in 1984. However, without the practical, political and discursive context that gave rise to the field of health promotion itself, the workshop and the global movement it inspired would not likely have occurred. Thus, the emergence of the Healthy Cities movement is intimately tied up with the articulation of the concept of health promotion as explicitly concerned with the contributions of lifestyle and environments to health in Canada and the World Health Organization (WHO), and its alignment with the organization of public health as a municipal responsibility in Canada.
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