Providing Young Families With Housing in Russia: Financial, Economical, Administrative, and Regulatory Aspects

Autor: Natalia Vasilievna Volkova, Ekaterina Alexandrovna Eremeeva, Tatiana Viktorovna Khalilova
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: International Journal of Financial Research. 12:123
ISSN: 1923-4031
DOI: 10.5430/ijfr.v12n1p123
Popis: This article considers methods of state support of young families in Russia and Russian regions. In current socio-economic conditions, young families' support can be viewed as a useful course of state policy. Providing housing to young families allows young adults not only to solve their social, economic, and psychological issues but also creates a background for young families for active participation in societal, economic development, and demographic state policy. Logics of the research is based on that young family support is executed in Russia on federal and regional management levels as part of youth and housing policy. In the article, regulatory, administrative, and financial aspects have been reviewed as in the frame of youth and housing policies. During their studies, methods were used, such as comparison study, compilatory analysis of documents, software, and analysis and evaluation of financial and statistical data based on algebraic calculations. Judging on the results of the study conclusion was carried out on how well young families support is organised on federal and regional levels, how effective were the measures taken for society. In conclusion, suggestions were made on how to better young families' support when acquiring housing. Their usage will allow to structure of young families' aid, make it more expedient and of current interest.
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