Conclusion: Alternative Theory and Practice of Peacebuilding in Asia

Autor: Yuji Uesugi, Sophie Shiori Umeyama, Anna Deekeling, Lawrence McDonald-Colbert
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Operationalisation of Hybrid Peacebuilding in Asia ISBN: 9783030677572
Popis: The concluding chapter summarises the findings of the previous chapters and presents their common assertions. The goal is to evaluate whether the existent gap between hybrid peacebuilding theory and its practice has been successfully closed. Building upon a complexity-informed framework of hybrid emergence, the mid-space actor typology is developed to link between an analytical framework and practical application. This volume has demonstrated that mid-space actors can provide viable focal points for establishing resilient and self-sufficient social institutions from within without dictating the content of such emergences. The case studies of Cambodia and Mindanao were examined to assess the on-the-ground operation of mid-space actors, and the cases of China and Japan illuminated how the conceptual framework of hybridity could improve contemporary peacebuilding models.
Databáze: OpenAIRE