VI. On the molar teeth, lower jaw, of macrauchenia patachonica, ow

Autor: Owen
Rok vydání: 1870
Zdroj: Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. 160:79-81
ISSN: 2053-9223
Popis: The dentition of a Mammal so rare and interesting as the Macrauchenia deserves better illustrations than the single reduced view of the lower molars given in 1845, and the still more reduced figures of both upper and lower teeth lithographed by Bravard. The intention to communicate to the Koyal Society a description with figures of the natural size of the specimen of mandible and teeth, still unique, in the British Museum, has been deferred in the hope of acquiring from South America other fossil remains, especially the upper jaw and teeth of Macrauchenia patachonica , but such fossils have not yet come under my observation. The recently obtained knowledge, however, of the former existence of another large quadruped in America, with cameline characteristics of the cervical vertebrae like those in Macruhenia , coupled with true cameline affinities, as exemplified by the dentition of the lower jaw in Palauchenia , induces me no longer to delay the adequate record of the characters which so strikingly distinguish the perissodactyle from the artiodactyle forms of hoofed quadrupeds with the intraneural course of the vertebral arteries in the region of the neck.
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