Oxygen Stabilized Zero-Resistance States with Transition Temperatures above 200 K in YBaCuO

Autor: J. T. Chen, E. M. Logothetis, L.-Q. Wang, L.-X. Qian, L. E. Wenger
Rok vydání: 1990
Zdroj: Superconductivity and Applications ISBN: 9781468475678
DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4684-7565-4_48
Popis: The zero-resistance states in mixed-phase Y5Ba6Cu11Oy samples with transition temperatures in the range of 235 K to 265 K are found to be thermally recycleable when the samples are enclosed in an oxygen atmosphere. The nonlinear current-voltage characteristics and their sensitivity to small magnetic fields near the transition temperature resemble the behavior of superconducting microbridges.
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