The Health Benefits of Stress

Autor: Rosemary O'Keeffe
Rok vydání: 2014
Zdroj: The Boolean: Snapshots of Doctoral Research at University College Cork. :133-137
Popis: Everyone knows that stress is bad for your health. It causes heart problems and is usually blamed for aging young and, really, who needs wrinkles? We are constantly told to relax and not get stressed (a fine way to stress anyone out!). Experts on television tell us that stress is a major factor in health problems later in life, but what if stress is also the solution to some of the biggest problems with advances in medical device technology? Medical device technology relates to anything from blood pressure cuffs to pacemakers and beyond. I am particularly interested in implantable devices, i.e. any device placed inside the body such as a pacemaker which regulates the heartbeat. These devices have to be as small as possible to fit in the correct location inside the body and they need to be reliable and ideally need to last the lifetime of the person – ...
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