Automatic Smudge Cell Recognition Based on Unimodal Region and Weak Edge Features

Autor: Minglei Sun, Suling Huang, Guohui Qiao, Guanghua Zong, Fanggu Wu, Shichuan Tang
Rok vydání: 2011
Zdroj: Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing ISBN: 9783642256639
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-25664-6_68
Popis: Leukocyte differential count is a standard process in hematological diagnosing. The abnormal leukocytes impede the development of robust and efficient computer-assisted blood film analysis system, especially the smudge cells which are highly variable due to scrunching. This paper concentrates on the feature space construction for smudge cells. Unimodal regional features and weak edge characters are combined with histogram distribution statistics and gray level co-occurrence matrix to form the final feature space. A Supporting Vector Machine is adopted to construct the classifier. Experiment shows that the proposed features are efficient to compute and the sensitivity and specificity for smudge cell classification are both promising.
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