Modified whey protein coatings for improved gas barrier properties of biodegradable films

Autor: Yiftach Nir, A. Dotan, Amos Ophir, Orli Weizman
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: Polymers for Advanced Technologies. 28:261-270
ISSN: 1042-7147
Popis: As a result of environmental concern, there is an increasing interest in the development of biodegradable polymers for packaging with suitable properties, as an alternative to the synthetic petroleum-based polymers. However, such biodegradable polymers are prevented for use in wide industrial and commercial packaging because of their limited gas and vapor barrier properties. This obstacle urges innovative strategies to achieve enhanced gas barrier properties using “bio-layering” technologies. Whey protein isolate (WPI), a by-product of the cheese industry, has quite promising properties for packaging purposes. It possesses good oxygen, aroma, and oil barrier properties; however, its permeability to water vapor is high. In this study, several WPI coatings were obtained, adding polyvinyl alcohol and pectin to improve the coated film properties; in addition, nanoclays were used to improve water vapor barrier properties. Comparison of neat poly (lactic acid) film versus poly (lactic acid) coated with WPI presented advantage of the later: improvement of about 90% in the oxygen barrier properties and about 27% in the water vapor barrier properties. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
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