Abstract 1364: Not All Refractory Period Abbreviation Promotes Atrial Fibrillation Equally: A Comparison Between Vagal and Atrial Tachycardia Remodeled Substrates

Autor: Grigorios Katsouras, Masao Sakabe, Kristina Lemola, Philippe Comtois, Michael Ting, Ange Maguy, Brett Burstein, Mario Talajic, Peter Guerra, Stanley Nattel
Rok vydání: 2007
Zdroj: Circulation. 116
ISSN: 1524-4539
DOI: 10.1161/circ.116.suppl_16.ii_280
Popis: Background: Vagal (VG) and atrial tachycardia remodeled (ATR) AF substrates share many features: reduced effective refractory period (ERP), increased ERP heterogeneity and some common molecular mechanisms (I KACh enhancement by acetylcholine release in VG, constitutive I KACh enhancement in ATR). This study compared VG and ATR substrates at comparable ERP abbreviation. Methods: In each of 5 VG dogs, bilateral cervical VG stimulation parameters were adjusted (mean±SD: 3.6±1.7 V and 12.2±1.5 Hz; 0.2 ms) to produce the same mean ERP (at 4 RA and 4 LA sites) as a sex and weight matched ATR dog (RA paced 400 bpm × 7 days). Mean duration of burst pacing induced AF (DAF) and local dominant frequencies (DFs, analyzed by FFT at 240 bipolar electrodes, Fig A ) were determined. Results: Mean ERP was 79±13 ms in VG and 78±13 ms in ATR dogs. DAF was greater in VG than ATR dogs (1056±323 vs 289±510 s *P control, 43±61 s). Despite matched ERPs, there were significant differences in DF distribution (Fig B ): DF was faster (mean DF: 11.8±1.1 Hz VG vs 9.7±1.3 Hz ATR*) and DF variability greater (indicated by SD: 1.8±0.6 Hz VG vs 0.8±0.5 Hz ATR*) in VG dogs. AF drivers reflected by maximum DF zones were adjacent to autonomic ganglia (over RA in 4/5) for VG dogs; in ATR dogs driver zones were less clear and showed variable location. Conclusions: For a comparable atrial ERP, VG AF is faster and more persistent than AF with an ATR substrate. These results are consist with modeling work suggesting that VG-induced hyperpolarization is an important contributor to AF-maintaining rotor stabilization and acceleration, and indicate important differences between these superficially similar AF substrates.
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