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Armillaria limonea is a white rot wood decay fungus and root disease pathogen that has confirmed presence in New Zealand only, where it is presumed to be indigenous. It is closely related to A. luteobubalina in Australia and South America, and to South American A. montagnei. A. limonea occurs naturally on woody debris and as a cause of butt rot in living trees in podocarp-hardwood and southern beech (Nothofagus) forests where it contributes beneficially to carbon and nutrient recycling. It fruits prolifically in native forests, forming large clusters of "toadstool" fruitbodies during winter. Like many other Armillaria species it is recognized by characteristic white mycelial fans or ribbons produced beneath host bark, and by its bootlace-like rhizomorphs by which it spreads vegetatively from colonized buried woody material or stump root systems to infect living host plants. |