First record of Lingula (Brachiopoda) from the Miocene of France, with diagnosis of L. dregeri

Autor: Bruno Cahuzac, Christian C. Emig, Maria Aleksandra Bitner
Rok vydání: 2007
Zdroj: Comptes Rendus Palevol. 6:261-267
ISSN: 1631-0683
Popis: The brachiopod Lingula dregeri Andreae, 1893 has been found in the Middle Miocene of southwestern France, at Salles. This is the first record of the genus Lingula Bruguiere from the Miocene of France. Good preservation makes it possible for us to offer the first diagnosis of this species and to complete its description. Examination of the occurrences of Lingula in the Miocene of Europe revealed that all of them are one species, L. dregeri. The Serravallian environment at Salles was marine, sublittoral and sheltered, with a substrate of fine carbonated sands, laid down in subtropical-to-warm temperate waters.
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