Autor: Alimatul Mahmudah, Sayidah Sayidah, Titi Mursiti, Tri Nurhidayati, Heny Rosiana, Sri Setiasih, Ana Sundari, Titik Sapartinah, Mimi Ruspita, Khobibah Khobibah, Budi Astyandini
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Jurnal BINAKES. 2:75-81
ISSN: 2776-3633
DOI: 10.35910/binakes.v2i2.567
Popis: Latar Belakang: Pelayanan KB pada masa pandemic mengalami perubahan yang dilaksanakan sesuai dengan protocol Kesehatan yang diberlakukan oleh pemerintah selama masa Pandemi. Masih banyak masyarakat yang belum memahami prosedur pelayanan akseptor dimas pandemic . Metode: kegiatan ini berlangsung pada tanggal 27 Juni 2020 di Laborat UPP Poltekkes Semarang Kampus Kendal . dimulai dengan kegiatan pre test,lalu pemberian penyuluhan Kesehatan tentang pedoman pelayanan akseptor KB dimasa Pandemi Covid 19 secara luring dilaksanakan oleh seluruh dosen kebidananan bekerjasama dengan PC IBI Kabuapten Kendal, DP2KBP2PA Kendal dan tim pengawal kodim Kabupaten Kendal. Dilanjutkan diskusi pelayanan akseptor dan diakhiri post test.Hasil: pengetahuan akseptor tentang pelayanan KB dimasa pandemic meningkat menjadi baik 75 % Kesimpulan: Penyuluhan Kesehatan yang dilakukan secara langsung dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan akseptor tentang pelayanan KB di masa Pandemi yang akan menurunkan angka kegagalan KB selama masa pandemic covid 19. ABSTRACTBackground: Family planning services during the pandemic underwent changes which were carried out in accordance with the Health protocol imposed by the government during the Pandemic. There are still many people who don't understand the acceptor service procedure during the pandemicMethods: This activity took place on 27 June 2020 at the UPP Poltekkes Semarang Health Laboratory, Kendal Campus. starting with pre-test activities, then providing health education about family planning acceptor service guidelines during the Covid 19 Pandemic offline carried out by all midwifery lecturers in collaboration with PC IBI Kendal Regency, Kendal DP2KBP2PA and the Kendal District Kodim guard team. Followed by a discussion of acceptor services and ended with a post testResults: knowledge of acceptors about family planning services during the pandemic increased to 75%Conclusion: Health counseling that is carried out directly can increase acceptors' knowledge about family planning services during the pandemic which will reduce the number of family planning failures during the covid 19 pandemic.
Databáze: OpenAIRE