Reproductive biology of Venus clam Gafrarium tumidum (Roding, 1798) from Southeast coast of India

Autor: S. Rajagopal, I Jagadis
Rok vydání: 2007
Zdroj: Aquaculture Research. 38:1117-1122
ISSN: 1365-2109
Popis: The reproductive biology of tumid venus clamGafrarium tumidum (Roding) was studied in detail from the Southeast coast of India. Sample size ranged from 10.3 to 41.3mm. Sexes are separate but not diierentiated externally. Annual sex ratio male:female (M:F) deviated signi¢cantly from the 1:1 ratio with females dominating. Based on ova diameter progression of gonad smear and histology, four and two maturity stages of gonads were diierentiated in female and male clams, respectively. Peak spawning was observed during November and a minor one in April.
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