Autor: Snezana Risteska-Kuc, Jovanka Karadzinska-Bislimovska, Saso Stoleski, Snezana Milkovska, J. Minov, Mimoza Marsenic, Dragan Mijakoski
Rok vydání: 2014
Zdroj: American Journal of Immunology. 10:88-92
ISSN: 1553-619X
Popis: Subjects with sensitivities to certain pollen can e xperience oral or systemic allergic symptoms associ ated with ingestion of various fruits, vegetables and nu ts. In this case report a birch-apple-carrot associ ation in 23-year-old man suffering from pollinosis who exper ienced few episodes of oral allergy syndrome, generalized urticaria and bronchospasm immediately time after ingestion of fresh and cooked apple and carrot is presented. Skin Prick Tests (SPT) to stan dard inhalant and food allergens were positive for birch, lime, apple and carrot. SPT for apricot was also po sitive, despite the patient did not experienced any allergic symptom after consumption of fresh or cooked apricot. This case report represents the description of a n IgE-mediated systemic allergic reaction to both app le and carrot in both fresh and cooked form which i s not usual reaction in the patients with birch-food asso ciation.
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