Art History in German-Speaking Countries: Austria, Germany and Switzerland

Autor: Charlotte Schoell-Glass
Rok vydání: 2012
Popis: As is to be expected when a global idiom dominates, local languages continue to flourish, as do local cultures, if sometimes completely under the radar of the globalized perspective. This is the case with art history in German-speaking countries, Austria and Germany, as well as German-speaking part of Switzerland, forming a common publishing and job market. Art history, although it had been founded in the context of the tortuous formation of a German national identity, was never only concerned with German art. Italian art was central to the discipline. The single most important fact determining the discipline of art history in the twentieth century in German-speaking countries was the rise to power of the National Socialists in 1933. The intellectual history of art history in the German-speaking countries was written early on and, for a long time to come, as a history of masters, on the model of Vasari's Vite . Keywords:art history; Austria; Germany; intellectual history; Switzerland
Databáze: OpenAIRE