An Assessment of the Agronomic Value of Co-composted MSW and Sewage Sludge

Autor: Rob Parkinson, Andy Groenhof, Mick P. Fuller, George Vantarakis, Sam Jury
Rok vydání: 1996
Zdroj: The Science of Composting ISBN: 9789401072014
DOI: 10.1007/978-94-009-1569-5_133
Popis: Modern crop production in Europe does not have sufficient farm animal waste byproducts to maintain crop yields at current levels and as a consequence relies heavily on the use of cheap easily available mineral fertilizers. A deterioration in soil organic matter and soil structure has been a consequence of intensive crop production and is especially evident with intensive cereal production. In the UK the area of cereal production has reduced slightly in the last 2 years due to CAP Reform measures and the introduction of set-aside policy but there has been a marked increase in the area of arable fodder crops grown particularly forage maize. Traditionally forage maize is grown in the UK without the use of much fertilizer but with the use of large quantities of farm animal waste particularly cow slurry. However, the expansion of the area of forage maize now exceeds cow slurry availability.
Databáze: OpenAIRE