Numerical simulation of signals from a toroidal source for petroleum geophysics issues

Autor: Geophysics Sb Ras, M. N. Nikitenko, V. N. Glinskikh, Irina V. Surodina, Igor Mikhaylov
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Недропользование. Горное дело. Направления и технологии поиска, разведки и разработки месторождений полезных ископаемых. Экономика. Геоэкология: Материалы XVI международной конференции (20-24 апреля 2020, Новосибирск).
DOI: 10.18303/b978-5-4262-0102-6-2020-053
Popis: Original solutions for multidimensional direct problems of resistivity logging upon excitation of the electromagnetic field by a toroidal source were obtained. Based on them, we created and software–implemented computational algorithms that provide high accuracy and computing performance via GPUs. Further, we numerically simulated the signals from a toroidal source in sections of oil and gas wells with different deviation angles.
Databáze: OpenAIRE