Stoffwechselprodukte von Mikroorganismen. 175. Mitteilung. Tetracenomycin C

Autor: Hans Zähner, Karsten Schröder, Axel Zeeck, Wolfgang Weber, Johannes Siebers
Rok vydání: 1979
Zdroj: Archives of Microbiology. 121:111-116
ISSN: 1432-072X
DOI: 10.1007/bf00689973
Popis: Streptomyces glaucescens, strain Tu 49 = ETH 22794, produces hydroxystreptomycin as well as the tetracenomycins, a mixture of several lipophilic antibiotics. The main component and the most active one is tetracenomycin C. Tetracenomycin C has a molecular formula C23H20O11 and is chemically related to tetracyclines and anthracyclinones. The pale yellow antibiotic is active against some gram-positive bacteria, especially against streptomycetes. Gram-negative bacteria and fungi are not inhibited. In considering the differences of biological activity and the functional groups of the molecule, tetracenomycin C is not a member of the tetracycline or anthracyclinone group of antibiotics.
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