Demonstration of a Pixel-Scale Superconducting Heat Switch for an Ideal Integrating Bolometer

Autor: Edgar Canavan, Mason Mok, Thomas R. Stevenson, Peter C. Nagler
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity. 27:1-5
ISSN: 1558-2515
DOI: 10.1109/tasc.2017.2664830
Popis: The sensitivity of a bolometer is in principle limited by the phonon noise, which is a function of the conductance between its absorber and the thermal sink. However, practical issues limit the degree to which conductance can be minimized. For example, in a high-radiation environment, extremely low conductance, or, equivalently, long thermal recovery time, can lead to high data loss. To circumvent such limitations, we are developing a technique of modulating the conductance through the use of pixel-scale superconducting heat switches. We have fabricated bolometer-like test devices consisting of isolated regions connected to a thermal ground plane through narrow aluminum strips. Niobium coils are patterned around the aluminum strips. Flowing current through a coil allows the aluminum to be driven into the normal or high thermal conductance state. We have measured the conductance of these devices as a function of temperature and drive coil current.
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