60Fe and244Pu deposited on Earth constrain the r-process yields of recent nearby supernovae

Autor: Maki Honda, Hiroyuki Matsuzaki, Michael Paul, M. Martschini, Dorothea Schumann, Michael Hotchkis, Anton Wallner, M.B. Froehlich, Norikazu Kinoshita, Niko Kivel, Takeyasu Yamagata, Stephen G. Tims, Stefan Pavetich
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Science. 372:742-745
ISSN: 1095-9203
Popis: Natural plutonium from supernovaeThe rapid neutron capture process (r-process) produces many of the heavy chemical elements, but the astrophysical settings where it occurs remain unclear. Leading candidates are neutron star mergers and some types of supernovae. Wallneret al.analyzed the plutonium content of a deep-sea crust sample, identifying a few dozen atoms of the r-process isotope plutonium- 244 that were delivered to Earth within the past few million years. There was a simultaneous signal of iron-60, which is known to be produced in supernovae. Comparing the ratios of these isotopes constrains the relative contributions of supernovae and neutron star mergers to r-process nucleosynthesis.Science, this issue p.742
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