Versatile computer-based instrumentation for the application of three-dimensional voltammetry

Autor: R. S. Stojanovic, Alan M. Bond, Jeffrey E. Anderson, Howard B. Greenhill
Rok vydání: 1996
Zdroj: Computers & Chemistry. 20:209-218
ISSN: 0097-8485
DOI: 10.1016/0097-8485(95)00053-4
Popis: A versatile and inexpensive computer-based instrument for the application of 3-D voltammetry has been developed. The computerized system is easily interfaced to most potentiostats and allows for automated control, multi-function data acquisition, digital transformation of data and complex analysis. An evaluation of system performance as well as a few selected examples illustrating the general advantages of 3-D voltammetry are presented.
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