Papo de pedagogo: uma proposta de reflexão teórico-prática no estágio supervisionado de Pedagogia

Autor: Luci Aparecida Souza Borges de Faria, Maria de Lourdes Pinheiro, Aline Romana Alves Pereira
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Extensão Tecnológica: Revista de Extensão do Instituto Federal Catarinense. 7:22-36
ISSN: 2674-9319
DOI: 10.21166/rext.v7i13.1175
Popis: Pedagogy offers to the professional of the area the most varied opportunities next to the world of the work. However, teaching, supervision and management are still the most sought after by pedagogues. In the face of this situation, a gap can be seen between the students of Pedagogy who already work and those who are still in the process of training. Those who live intrinsically the daily life of the profession, these because it is a totally new reality, to such an extent that some teachers, without realizing it, deal with the graduates as if it were a common reality, which, in most cases, can hinder the teaching-learning process of knowledge specific to teaching practice. The need was perceived to promote ways in which this gap could be filled. For these reasons, the Papo de Pedagogo project brought together, in a fortnightly interval, undergraduates who carry out Supervised Curricular Internship and graduates of the Pedagogy course at Aldete Maria Alves College, in Iturama/MG, with professionals from Education and related areas, from various levels of professional experience, in conversation wheels to share experiences, expectations, fears, doubts, etc., related to the daily routine of the teaching practice, with the purpose of providing a basis for future pedagogical practices through continuous and collective reflection. The adhesion on the part of the students exceeded 90% and they, in turn, recognized the importance of reconciling theory and practice, based on ethical principles and the search for continuous training for the construction of a pedagogical "praxis".
Databáze: OpenAIRE