Study on the Features of Production Decline Law in Oil Manufacturing System in Wangyao Block

Autor: Ling Hui Sun, Han Min Xiao, Wei Dong Liu, Jun Cheng Hu, Qing Hui Yan
Rok vydání: 2012
Zdroj: Applied Mechanics and Materials. 252:388-393
ISSN: 1662-7482
DOI: 10.4028/
Popis: Features of production decling determines the deployment of development project in oilfield, which has heavy influence on the oil manufacturing system. Eq.(17)and (18) have shown the final results. The characteristics of oil and water percolation, presented by Figure.1, are the primary factors for decline law. Oil-water relative permeability equations of WangYao Block, in AnSai oilfield, was deducted, and the oil-water relative permeability curves were drawn according to the equations. The oil phase curve presents a change from a linear relationship to an exponential relationship with the increase of the water saturation, which means an exponential decrease and a harmonic decrease of the single well production.
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