Search for chemiluminescence from tert-butyl 9-fluorenyl peroxide and 9-fluorenyl hydroperoxide

Autor: Lei Zhang, G. David Mendenhall
Rok vydání: 1997
Zdroj: Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry. 107:169-173
ISSN: 1010-6030
DOI: 10.1016/s1010-6030(96)04588-1
Popis: Thermolysis of solutions of 9-fluorenyl tert-butyl peroxide (BOOF; decalin, 137–162°C, log k s = 14.28 ± 0.02 − (144.2 ± 2 kJ )/θ ) or 9-fluorenyl hydroperoxide (FOOH; benzonitrile, 152 °C) did not give detectable chemiluminescence. In contrast, the induced decomposition of 9-fluorenyl hydroperoxide with tert-butoxyl radicals at room temperature was highly chemiluminescent. The different behavior was ascribed to the decreased fluorescence of 9-fluorenone at elevated temperatures. Solutions of tert-butyl diphenylmethyl peroxide (152°C) were weakly chemiluminescent in the presence of a fluorescence sensitizer. The photolysis and base-induced decompositions of BOOF were studied.
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