Identification and characterization of a cation2+/H+ antiporter AtCAX4 gene from Arabidopsis thaliana

Autor: Shenkui Liu, Testuo Takano, Yuanyuan Bu, Jiangpo Chen
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: Molecular Soil Biology.
ISSN: 1925-2005
Popis: AtCAX4 is a member of the Ca 2+ /H + exchangers (CAX) family was cloned from cDNA library of Arabidopsis thaliana . AtCAX4 was expressed in all Arabidopsis plant organs, with the highest level in root under normal conditions by quantitative real-time PCR analysis. The expression of AtCAX4 gene is response to Na + , Ca 2+ and Ba 2+ in both the leaves and roots of Arabidopsis . In addition, the pYES2- AtCAX4 transformants confers tolerance to Na + , Ca 2+ and Ba 2+ ions in yeast. These results suggest that AtCAX4 play important role in increasing the Na + , Ca 2+ or Ba 2+ tolerance of yeast.
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