A technique for estimating the depth and thickness of a volcanic layer from magnetic data

Autor: H. V. Ram Babu, M. Prasanthi Lakshmi
Rok vydání: 2005
Zdroj: SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2005.
Popis: Summary Many areas of the world are occupied by younger volcanics that are sandwiched between sedimentary formations. The sediments beneath the volcanics are very important for hydrocarbon exploration and there are several instances where seismic methods failed to map the bottom of the volcanics and hence the presence/absence of the sediments below them. In these situations, magnetic data can best be utilized to evaluate the depth and thickness of the volcanic layer. A method based on inversion of pseudo-gravity and pseudo-gravity potential anomalies is suggested here for estimating the thickness and depth respectively, of the volcanics. The method has been applied on a field example in the western offshore of India.
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