Evaluating Information Systems

Autor: Ben Light, Peter Seddon, Tillal Eldabi, Sevgi Ozkan-Yildirim, Ramzi El-Haddadeh, Akbar Esfahanipour, Richard Heeks, Vasiliki Mantzana, Rosemary Stockdale, Peter Love, Eric W.T. Ngai
Rok vydání: 2008
DOI: 10.4324/9780080570105
Popis: The adoption of Information Technology (IT) and Information Systems (IS) represents significant financial investments, with alternative perspectives to the evaluation domain coming from both the public and private sectors. As a result of increasing IT/IS budgets and their growing significance within the development of an organizational infrastructure, the evaluation and performance measurement of new technology remains a perennial issue for management. This book offers a refreshing and updated insight into the social fabric and technical dimensions of IT/IS evaluation together with insights into approaches used to measure the impact of information systems on its stakeholders. In doing so, it describes the portfolio of appraisal techniques that support the justification of IT/IS investments. Evaluating Information Systems explores the concept of evaluation as an evolutionary and dynamic process that takes into account the ability of enterprise technologies to integrate information systems within and between organisations. In particular, when set against a backdrop of organisational learning. It examines the changing portfolio of benefits, costs and risks associated with the adoption and diffusion of technology in today's global marketplace. Finally approaches to impact assessment through performance management and benchmarking is discussed.
Databáze: OpenAIRE