Note on k-planar crossing numbers

Autor: Pach, J��nos, Sz��kely, L��szl�� A., T��th, Csaba D., T��th, G��za
Rok vydání: 2016
DOI: 10.48550/arxiv.1611.05746
Popis: The crossing number $cr(G)$ of a graph $G=(V,E)$ is the smallest number of edge crossings over all drawings of $G$ in the plane. For any $k\ge 1$, the $k$-planar crossing number of $G$, $cr_k(G)$, is defined as the minimum of $cr(G_0)+cr(G_1)+\ldots+cr(G_{k-1})$ over all graphs $G_0, G_1,\ldots, G_{k-1}$ with $\cup_{i=0}^{k-1}G_i=G$. It is shown that for every $k\ge 1$, we have $cr_k(G)\le \left(\frac{2}{k^2}-\frac1{k^3}\right)cr(G)$. This bound does not remain true if we replace the constant $\frac{2}{k^2}-\frac1{k^3}$ by any number smaller than $\frac1{k^2}$. Some of the results extend to the rectilinear variants of the $k$-planar crossing number.
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