Scrapter chrysomastes Davies & Eardley & Brothers 2005, sp. n

Autor: Davies, G. B. P., Eardley, C. D., Brothers, D. J.
Rok vydání: 2005
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7667435
Popis: Scrapter chrysomastes Davies, sp. n. Figs 18–22 Etymology: Gr. chryso (gold); Gr. mastix (whip). In reference to the diagnostic, largely yellow, remarkably long, whip-like antennae (Fig. 22). Holotype ơ: SOUTH AFRICA: Northern Cape: Richtersveld National Park, between hills at 28°08'S: 17°01'E, northwest of Koeroegabvlakte, 14.ix.1996, F.W., S.K. and R. W. Gess (AMGS). Paratypes: 3 ơ, same label data as holotype (AMGS). Description: Male. Measurements (n = 1): head length 1.3 mm, head width 1.6 mm, lower interocular distance 1 mm, upper interocular distance 1 mm, interantennal distance 0.3 mm, antennocular distance 0.3 mm, length of clypeus 0.4 mm, length of eye 0.5 mm, length of facial fovea 0.3 mm, maximum width of facial fovea 0.03 mm, width of eye (lateral view) 0.5 mm, width of gena (lateral view) 0.3 mm, mesoscutum length 1.1 mm, mesosoma length 2 mm, forewing length 4.2 mm, length of pterostigma 0.6 mm, maximum width of pterostigma 0.2 mm, length of marginal cell beyond pterostigma 1 mm, length of marginal cell 1.1 mm, length of free part of marginal cell 0.6 mm. Vestiture: Overall, rather sparse, bright white vestiture including white metasomal hairbands. Clypeus with thick, short, starkly white, decumbent hairs. Supraclypeal area, frons and lower paraocular area with short, erect, white hairs. Scape hairs white and bristly. Vertex with sparse, erect, long, whitish hairs. Gena with white, fairly dense hairs. Mesoscutum with very sparse, erect, white vestiture. Scutellum and metanotum covered in sparse, white hairs. Mesepisternum with sparse, white hairs. Mesosoma ventrally with thick, white, decumbent vestiture. Propodeum with sparse, white vestiture. Tergal discs with very sparse, erect, white hairs. T1–T4 with decumbent, white hair bands along marginal zones (hair bands easily discernable with naked eye). T5 with very weak hair band. S2 with long, shaggy, fairly sparse, white hairs. S3–S6 hairiness declines progressively, S5 and S6 mostly hairless. Integumental colour: Black except for bright yellow protibia, protarsi and apical part of profemur, middle leg the same, hindleg similar but patch of dark red-brown medially on metatibia; mandibles yellow except for dark apical ends; underside of antenna from pedicel to F9 yellow.
Published as part of Davies, G. B. P., Eardley, C. D. & Brothers, D. J., 2005, Eight new species of Scrapter (Hymenoptera: Apoidea: Colletidae), with descriptions of S. albifumus and S. amplispinatus females and a major range extension of the genus, pp. 141 in African Invertebrates 46 on page 161, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7667046
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