Study of Serum Golgi Protein 73 Level as a Marker for Diagnosis of Hepatocellular Carcinoma

Autor: Hossam Ibrahim Mohamed, Hany Said Sabry, Naglaa Said El Abd, Wafaa M Radwan
Rok vydání: 2015
Zdroj: Afro-Egyptian Journal of Infectious and Endemic Diseases. 5:160-170
ISSN: 2090-7184
DOI: 10.21608/aeji.2015.17825
Popis: Background and study aim :Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is the fifth most common neoplasm in the world, and the third most common cause of cancer-related death. Golgi protein 73 is normally expressed in epithelial cells of many human tissues. GP73 expression is upregulated in hepatocytes, and in serum from patients with hepatitis and liver cirrhosis regardless the etiology. This work aimed to study the diagnostic role of serum Golgi protein 73level as a marker for HCC. Patients and Methods: This study was conducted on 48 patients with HCC on top of liver cirrhosis (GI), 20 patients with liver cirrhosis (GII), and 20 healthy controls (GIII). Patient and controls were subjected to careful medical history, full clinical examination and laboratory investigations including CBC, ESR, liver function tests, renal function tests, viral markers, serum AFP and Serum Golgi protein 73 by ELISA. Results: Serum GP73 showed highly significant increase (with P value
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