Do We Fix it or Burn it Down? Towards Practicable Critique at CSCW

Autor: David R. Karger, Niloufar Salehi, Katta Spiel, Jacob Thebault-Spieker, Alex Leavitt, Stevie Chancellor, Michael A. DeVito
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: CSCW Companion
Popis: CSCW has a rich interdisciplinary and methodological history, and our work focuses on designing and building technologies for collaboration and community as well as evaluating and critiquing these technologies. At the intersection of these interdisciplinary perspectives comes a tension playing out in formal and informal venues: is CSCW’s role to fix and improve existing technologies, or is it to start over and build anew? In this panel, we address this question with an eye towards enabling practicable critique within CSCW, and help navigate this tension that arises in our interdisciplinary community. Our panelists reflect methodological diversity in CSCW and positional differences on these questions. We look forward to a lively, spirited discussion between panelists that build on three provocations and engage the community on this important and critical issue.
Databáze: OpenAIRE