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We created this system, because meanwhile another similar system does not exist. For the first usage and testing, multilevel supporting system for special forms of learning is being developed as a web-based support for teaching music theory. First part of the article is focused on basic description of the project. Main parts of multilevel supporting system for special forms of learning is described and described are using technologies for development of system too. In the next part of the article are described some CMS communications with publication and presentation. System is based on web technologies such as PHP, MySQL and HTML with fully featured java-script jQuery API and WYSIWYG editor TinyMCE with useful plugins. Last part is aimed to refer about all developed modules for the Multilevel supporting system for special forms of learning. We established the data-base structure of composers, music genres and music samples. It was necessary to create administration system where will be the teacher able to form the music staves and present them on the web portal. Everything is connected with the learning portal, which allows students to register, to apply for entry into the classes, receive the information, training and test their knowledge through the test module. |