Calculation of the neutron distributions in complex heterogeneous nuclear reactor cells by the imbedded element method

Autor: I.S. Slesarev, A.M. Sirotkin
Rok vydání: 1978
Zdroj: USSR Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics. 18:238-245
ISSN: 0041-5553
DOI: 10.1016/0041-5553(78)90026-5
Popis: A METHOD is described of calculating multidimensional neutron distributions, described by the gas-kinetic equation in V. S. Vladimirov’s form, in heterogeneous cells with a complex geometry of the internal and external boundaries. By means of a special choice of the spatial coordinate functions and the method of L. V. Kantorovich, the problem is reduced to the solution of a transport equation of integral form with respect to the scalar neutron flux density. Distinguishing features of the proposed method are: the absence of iterations with respect to the scattering integral and boundary conditions, the possibility of taking into account practically arbitrary geometry of the cell structure, and economy of the numerical algorithm in its realization by computer. The method is intended for the calculation of two and three-dimensional cells of power reactors and assemblies of various types.
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