Using Ontology and Modelling Concepts to Develop Smart Applications

Autor: Bas Bach, Mark von Rosing, Henrik von Scheel
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: International Journal of Conceptual Structures and Smart Applications. 5:48-69
ISSN: 2166-7306
DOI: 10.4018/ijcssa.2017010103
Popis: Innovating one's organizations alongside the digital transformation that the industry 4.0 and with it the internet of things enables, is a complex undertaking. This case story covers the passage and stages that the Dutch railway transportation industry went through in applying standards from bodies like ISO, OMG and LEADing Practice to developing smart applications and solutions to fit customer needs. They used these the standards together with the Business Ontology, specific the role oriented modelling concepts and managed it all in the process and application lifecycle. The case story covers the aspects of smart application development with smart cards. Like the internet has revolutionised the world, smart cards have revolutionised the traveler's world. Smart cards are secure portable storage devices enabling millions of users around the world for advanced and easy transport flow. This case story elaborates on the Dutch Railway process of cutting edge smart application development within advanced customer process handling through the role oriented processes and services. It elaborates on the Trans Link Systems, which was established by the various Dutch public transport companies to implement a single payment system for public transport, that together with the smart card system OV-chipkaart is made available to the people using public transport in the Netherlands. The case story was chosen not only for their leading practices applied in developing the Railway customer system of the future, but specific they way they did it. Their advanced role oriented processes and services modelling and role oriented architecture thinking in developing cutting edge smart applications. Interlinking the role oriented process lifecycle with the application lifecycle to support the 5 large transport organizations business model, service model, revenue model as well as the performance model.
Databáze: OpenAIRE