Automatically Identifying Sufficient Object Builders from Module APIs

Autor: Nazareno Aguirre, Pablo Ponzio, Mariano Politano, Marcelo F. Frias, Valeria Bengolea
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering ISBN: 9783030167219
Popis: Various approaches to software analysis (e.g. test input generation, software model checking) require engineers to (manually) identify a subset of a module’s methods in order to drive the analysis. Given a module to be analyzed, engineers typically select a subset of its methods to be considered as object builders to define a so-called driver, that will be used to automatically build objects for analysis, e.g., combining them non-deterministically, randomly, etc. This requires a careful inspection of the module and its API, since both the relative exhaustiveness of the analysis (leaving important methods out may systematically avoid generating different objects), as well as its efficiency (the different bounded combinations of methods grows exponentially as the number of methods increases), are affected by the selection.
Databáze: OpenAIRE