Vertical Distribution of Butyltin Residues in Sediments of British Columbia Harbours

Autor: J. A. J. Thompson, Carol Stewart
Rok vydání: 1997
Zdroj: Environmental Technology. 18:1195-1202
ISSN: 1479-487X
DOI: 10.1080/09593331808616640
Popis: Vertical distributions of tributyltin (TBT) and its degradation products di- and monobutyltin have been measured in five sediment cores collected in harbours and marinas of southern British Columbia, Canada. Despite restrictions on the use of organotin-based marine antifouling paints imposed in Canada in 1989, concentrations of butyltin compounds in coastal marine sediments remain high. The highest concentration of TBT, 520 ng g−1 TBT-Sn, was recorded in a core collected from a small marina near Sidney, Vancouver Island. Similar levels of TBT were also recorded in a core collected in inner Vancouver Harbour, indicating that commercial shipping continues to be a significant source of butyltin contaminants to British Columbia's marine environment. Vertical profiles of butyltins differed according to location. The marina core showed the maximum in TBT concentration at 8 cm depth, indicating clearly that the retail ban on organotin-based paints to craft less than 25 m in length has successfully reduced the fl...
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