Novel Completion Design to Bypass Damage and Increase Reservoir Contact: A Middle Magdalena, Central Colombian Case History

Autor: Rosana Polo, Eduardo Velez, Walter Nunez, Camilo Ortega, Jaime Arciniegas, Brian Valencia, Travis Vulgamore, Terry Palisch, Roberto Tineo
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Day 4 Thu, October 29, 2020.
Popis: The La Cira Infantas field is located in the Middle Magdalena basin in the Santander region of central Colombia. This oil-producing development is under secondary waterflood using five-spot and inverted seven-spot patterns. The reservoir has high vertical and horizontal heterogeneity, and there was concern about effectively draining the reservoir. A new hydraulic fracturing design was deployed for the first time in Colombia (and South America) to improve drainage and surveillance. With over 1200 producers and 500 injectors, the La Cira Infantas waterflood is well established. Waterflood surveillance indicated less-than-optimal recovery due to near-wellbore skin in the injectors and suspected poor height coverage. A novel proppant technology was incorporated into the fracture design allowing for consolidation of the proppant pack in the fracture with low bottomhole temperature and minimal stress on proppant, enabling long-term undamaged injectivity. This technology also incorporates an inert tracer into the proppant grains, which provides propped height determination after the treatment using a neutron log. This multi-faceted proppant technology was successfully deployed on one well, and additional wells are planned in 2020. This paper will first review the background of the field development including current completion techniques, along with the challenges being faced with the waterflood recovery. It will review the self-consolidating proppant technology and show the benefits of its use in this application to promote high-conductivity fractures and minimize damage to injectivity. The companion tracer technology will be presented along with plans to perform neutron logging and identify propped fracture height. This information can be fed into fracture propagation models to determine the fracture geometry, which is then used for reservoir and waterflood surveillance analysis. The technique allows for meeting the goal to improve injectivity into both high-skin and low-permeability reservoirs. Although this proppant technology has been used in other frac pack applications, this is one of the first case histories of the technology being used on land for improving injectivity and waterflood coverage in Colombia. This paper will be useful for reservoir and completion engineers working on waterflood fields that contain vertically and horizontally heterogeneous formations, and wish to maintain undamaged injectivity, improve waterflood sweep efficiency, and monitor the proppant pack over time.
Databáze: OpenAIRE