Differentsiatsiya patologii sosudistoy sistemyi v usloviyah sanatorno-kurortnoy reabilitatsii [Differentiation of the vascular system pathology in the sanatorium rehabilitation]

Autor: Noskin, L. A., Panenko, A. V., Pivovarov, V.V., Chugunova, N. A., Agekian, L. M., Romanchuk, A. P.
Rok vydání: 2015
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.18324
Popis: To differentiate various levels of clinical family history of vascular disease at the level of functional tension of the body, we used the methods of diagnosis multifunctional sanogenetic: anthropometry, spiroarteriokardioritmografiya (SACR) and laser correlation spectroscopy (LCS) of blood plasma and urine. The study involved 318 men and women aged 15 to 70 years (mean age was 43,8 ± 10,2 g of a) with different clinical forms of vascular lesions, which were divided into two nosological group.First (1) - with vascular dystonia (VVD) and the second (2) - with different arterial hypertension (AH), which they correspond to clinical weights, in turn, differentiated into three levels.The first group consisted of 237 persons, the second - 80. On the basis of differentiation of patients with vascular disease using sanogenetichnogo monitoring may draw several conclusions: 1) the level of clinical family history of vascular disease does not define the general functional stress of the body; 2) changes in humoral homeostasis in hypertension and VVD have specific features of metabolism (for hypertension - the prevalence of anabolic processes at VSD - mixed); 3) for hypertension in humoral and tissue homeostasis mainly determined by the agreed changes that are less favorable prognostic factor for a given disease process; 4) The study of tissue homeostasis indicated a significant prevalence of degenerative changes in the tissues of the kidney in hypertension compared with the IRR; 5) analysis of the level of overall functional strength of the body allowed to establish a significant stress at all levels of clinical family history (maximum with a minimum and increasing levels of family history of hypertension, which occurs in approximately 50% of patients); 6) an analysis of the level of functional tension of individual systems has allowed to establish a decisive contribution to the formation shifts in the state constitution, maintaining blood pressure, vegetative support of respiratory function and hemodynamic system; 7) vegetative ensure BP is a major contributor to the formation of the functional strength of the body with an acceptable level of clinical family history of hypertension, which, in our opinion, should be to the district and regarded as one of the mechanisms for the implementation of the compensation of the pathological process.
Databáze: OpenAIRE