Characterization of polymeric dielectric insulation by thermomechanical analysis

Autor: Joseph L. Haberfeld, Julian F. Johnson, Richard C. Gaskill
Rok vydání: 1977
Zdroj: Thermochimica Acta. 18:171-176
ISSN: 0040-6031
DOI: 10.1016/0040-6031(77)80017-8
Popis: Use of a thermomechanical analyzer, TMA, affords a rapid, precise method for determining linear expansion coefficients and linear expansivities of cross-linked polymeric insulation material. Completed cable samples were dissassembled and insulation specimens were cut longitudinally and examined with repeated temperature cycling: ethylene—propylene copolymer rubbers and filled and unfilled crosslinked polyethylenes. The TMA results indicated that all specimes were oriented, likely incurred from extrusion processing. The facility of TMA for investigating potential anisotropic behavior from prior orientation is illustrated by examples of TMA measurements on radial specimens, similarly free of mechanical constraints.
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