Norm Contestation in EU Strategic Partnerships: The Cases of Civil Society Involvement and Climate Justice in EU–India Relations

Autor: Manuel Pietzko, Anja Zürn, Timo Lowinger, Philipp Gieg
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: EU-India Relations ISBN: 9783030650438
Popis: Starting from the widespread perception that cooperation between the EU and India is stuck in a deadlock, the authors suggest that reconstructing both actors’ contestation of norms helps to better understand the problems faced by the EU-India Strategic Partnership. The chapter proposes an in-depth systematic and model-driven approach to grasp the EU and India’s discursive practices regarding the seemingly “common” norms—a heuristic that can also serve as a tool to examine the EU’s other Strategic Partnerships. The heuristic sheds light on the different levels, types as well as modes of contestation and thus tries to capture the diverse picture of norm contestation. After laying out the theoretical framework as well as reconstructing the normative foundation of the EU-India Strategic Partnership, two case studies will be examined: the cases of civil society involvement with a focus on Greenpeace India and climate justice, in particular regarding the principle of common but differentiated responsibility and respective capabilities (CBDR-RC). They conclude that mainly responsible for the state of the partnership is the discursive contestation. Yet, this need not be considered a negative process, for it can also yield constructive results such as the disclosure of different perceptions and the launch of institutionalisation processes.
Databáze: OpenAIRE