Crystallinity and crystalline phase orientation of poly(1,4-cis-isoprene) fromHevea brasiliensisandTaraxacum kok-saghyz

Autor: Mario Maggio, Sara Musto, Marco Di Mauro, Maurizio Galimberti, Gaetano Guerra, Vincenzina Barbera
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: Polymers for Advanced Technologies. 27:1082-1090
ISSN: 1042-7147
Popis: Crystallization is studied for poly(isoprene-1,4-cis) from Hevea brasiliensis (natural rubber [NR]) and from taraxacum kok-saghyz, mainly by collecting wide-angle X-ray diffraction patterns after processing and stretching. Although rubber samples before stretching are generally fully amorphous, crystallization can be induced in NR samples by processing at room temperature under moderate pressure. This phenomenon is possibly associated with nucleation by saturated fatty acid components. For rubber samples being fully amorphous in the undeformed state, strain-induced crystallization occurs only at high strain ratios (α > 4), leading to high degrees of crystalline phase orientation (fc > 0.9 for α = 5). Rubber samples presenting some crystallinity already in the unstretched state, on the contrary, reach much lower degrees of axial orientation, even for high strain ratios (fc
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