Does STES‐Oriented Science Education Promote 10th‐Grade Students’ Decision‐Making Capability?

Autor: Uri Zoller, Tami Levy Nahum, David Ben-Chaim, Ibtesam Azaiza, Orit Herskovitz
Rok vydání: 2009
Zdroj: International Journal of Science Education. 32:1315-1336
ISSN: 1464-5289
DOI: 10.1080/09500690903042533
Popis: Today’s society is continuously coping with sustainability‐related complex issues in the Science‐Technology‐Environment‐Society (STES) interfaces. In those contexts, the need and relevance of the development of students’ higher‐order cognitive skills (HOCS) such as question‐asking, critical‐thinking, problem‐solving and decision‐making capabilities within science teaching have been argued by several science educators for decades. Three main objectives guided this study: (1) to establish “base lines” for HOCS capabilities of 10th grade students (n = 264) in the Israeli educational system; (2) to delineate within this population, two different groups with respect to their decision‐making capability, science‐oriented (n = 142) and non‐science (n = 122) students, Groups A and B, respectively; and (3) to assess the pre‐post development/change of students’ decision‐making capabilities via STES‐oriented HOCS‐promoting curricular modules entitled Science, Technology and Environment in Modern Society (STEMS). A sp...
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