Antimutagenic activity of wheat β-purothionin Tk-AMP-BP

Autor: Anna A. Slavokhotova, V. A. Pukhalskii, I. M. Vassilieva, Eugene A. Rogozhin, G. D. Zasukhina, Tatyana V. Korostyleva, A. N. Shiyan, L. L. Utkina, T. I. Odintsova
Rok vydání: 2011
Zdroj: Russian Journal of Genetics. 47:1128-1131
ISSN: 1608-3369
DOI: 10.1134/s102279541108014x
Popis: Antimutagenic activity on human RD cells was studied for β-purothionin Tk-AMP-BP isolated from seeds of wheat Triticum kiharae, which has high stress resistance. Cadmium chloride at 5 × 10−6 M was used as a mutagen. The numbers of DNA breaks in mutagen-treated and intact cells were inferred from the single-stranded to double-stranded DNA ratio and expressed as protection coefficients. The protective effect was simultaneously assayed for aqueous plant extracts known to possess antioxidant properties. Wheat thionin was the most active among all of the antimutagens examined; its protection coefficient reached 85–88% at micromolar peptide concentrations (8–32 μg/ml). Thus, wheat β-purothionin was for the first time demonstrated to be highly efficient in protecting human cell DNA from the damaging effect of cadmium chloride.
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