Sinergi Zakat dan Pajak Sebagai Solusi Perbaikan Ekonomi Indonesia

Autor: Elis Teti Rusmiati, Alan Hidayat
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Prosiding Seminar dan Lokakarya Kualitatif Indonesia: Pengembangan Budaya Penelitian Menuju Indonesia 4.0.
Popis: Tax is an essential instrument in a nation's life. All of the nation's development needs, such as infrastructure building, subsidy expenditure, employee expenditure need, are paid with tax money. Zakat also has similiar role with tax. In Indonesia with Islam as the majority of religion, zakat management has a massive economic potential for the nation. A well created Synergy between tax and zakat could become a solution in improving economy in Indonesia. This paper aims to analyze the synergy between tax and zakat, which is associated with government regulations about zakat as taxpayer alleviation.
Databáze: OpenAIRE