The Relativistic Boltzmann Equation on Bianchi Type I Space Time for Hard Potentials

Autor: Norbert Noutchegueme, Etienne Takou, E. Kamdem Tchuengue
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: Reports on Mathematical Physics. 80:87-114
ISSN: 0034-4877
DOI: 10.1016/s0034-4877(17)30063-0
Popis: In this paper, we consider the Cauchy problem for the spatially homogeneous relativistic Boltzmann equation with small initial data. The collision kernel considered here is for a hard potentials case. The background space-time in which the study is done is the Bianchi type I space-time. Under certain conditions made on the scattering kernel and on the metric, a uniqueness global (in time) solution is obtained in a suitable weighted functional space.
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