Design Based Sampling as a Technique for Estimating Arthropod Populations in Cotton over Large Land Masses

Autor: Joe Ellington, Karl Kiser, Morris Southward, Gaye Ferguson Faubion
Rok vydání: 1989
Zdroj: Estimation and Analysis of Insect Populations ISBN: 9780387969985
DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4612-3664-1_32
Popis: The Mesilla Valley, New Mexico, cotton arthropod ecosystem is chosen to exemplify the complexity found in large interacting cropping ecosystems. Here arthropod density is greatly modified by migration from neighboring plant ecosystems; the complex group of arthropods exists in three trophic levels; the beneficial complex may be composed of host-specific, host-nonspecific and hyperparasitoid species; and clumping may be related to a variety of cultural and behavioral factors within and between fields. It may not be possible to predict arthropod density in this ecosystem without consistent periodic updates. In order to set economic thresholds, there is a need for an economical means to determine between field variation and density estimates.
Databáze: OpenAIRE