Falcon series data report: 1987 LNG vapor barrier verification field trials

Autor: T.C. Brown, S.T. Chan, K.C. Lamson, J.W. McClure, R.P. Koopman, L.K. Morris, R.T. Cederwall, D.L. Ermak
Rok vydání: 1990
DOI: 10.2172/6633087
Popis: A series of five Liquefied Natural Gas Spills up to 66 m{sup 3} in volume were performed on water within a vapor barrier structure at Frenchman Flat on the Nevada Test Site as a part of a joint government/industry study. This data report presents a description of the tests, the test apparatus, the instrumentation, the meteorological conditions, and the data from the tests. 16 refs., 27 figs., 8 tabs.
Databáze: OpenAIRE