Exploring the emergence of a new smart city model: Case analysis of the Moroccan urbanization

Autor: El M'Hadi Hajar, Cherkaoui Abdelghani
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: 2017 1st International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Information Management (ICISIM).
DOI: 10.1109/icisim.2017.8122188
Popis: More than half world population lives in cities. In Morocco, the urbanization has more than doubled during the last fifty years to reach 59.2 % today. More than ever, this sociodemographic situation conditions the challenges which the country has to raise to assure an optimal quality of life for the Moroccan citizens. The idea of smart-cities is examined with respect to the intent, including current urbanization models, development issues and city planning in Morocco; the case of the proposed smart-city of Casablanca, a flagship of proposals and current realities is looked at. An indigenous alternative following the model proposed of smart-villages instead is examined for appropriateness.
Databáze: OpenAIRE